Dr. Peale tells us that one way to do something great with this life is to let positive thinking work for you. Positive thinking is the opposite of negative thinking, but the best way to describe it is to describe a positive thinker. A positive thinker is one who is tough and rugged mentally. They see every difficulty but are never abashed or defeated by them because they know that with the help of the good God they can overcome them all.
What a great sermon! To cast yourself in the arms of Jesus. Has a Yorkshire man myself I can relate to Captain Cook and his his adventures. Thank You Dr. Peale this sermon has empowered me immensely! You are the Best! If God be for us who can be against us? What a powerful scripture to stand on and to own both In mind and by your emotions. This day I commit myself to Jesus more than I ever have again, thank you Dr Peale and to your staff who had the genius idea to set this app up to get your sermons out there to people like me.